Friday, February 3, 2017

Make the most of your time in this busy world!

I decided last year that I was going to stop using the word "busy" to describe myself when someone asked how I was doing.  "Oh, you know, just crazy busy" was my standard response.  Was I busy?  Sure.  More so than other people working full time with a spouse to love, kids raise, pets to walk, family and friends to nurture and households to run?  No. So why was I always so focused on being busy?  I took a step back and really evaluated where I was spending my time.

What I learned...Many things in life aren't equal, but everyone gets the same 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  Why do some people navigate their busy lives to become successful and others don't?  We make time for what we truly want.  I let that sink in for a while and took inventory of where I was spending my time.  I was getting up early every morning to binge watch Netflix and savor coffee before the rest of the family saw the light of day.  Social media had become a huge time suck for me.  Mindlessly scrolling my feed in every spare moment.  I wasn't taking care of myself and my energy level was at an all time low.

It was time for an overhaul.  I made my health and fitness a non-negotiable part of my day.  I no longer lounge on the couch watching Netflix or TV.  I honestly can't tell you the last time I watched a TV show.  I limit my social media time.  Now, I get a workout complete and start my day right in the same time it would take me to make coffee and watch one episode of Friends.  I began feeling so much better that I decided to become a Beachbody Coach so I could help other women get started on their journey to health and fitness.

Since becoming a coach, I've had many people ask me how I have time to do it all.  It's amazing how productive you become when you're taking care of yourself.  It was important to me to improve my life for my family and help others along the way.  I utilize the extra time I've gained to check in with my challengers and clients, write this blog, share my health and fitness journey and feed my brain with personal development.

As a result, I've lost almost 20 pounds, I'm more present with my family, I'm happier and I love spreading a little sunshine to others!

We all have the same 24 hours in a day.  Make a choice.  You can use being busy as an excuse, or you can make a decision to do something for yourself that will not only improve your life, but your families as well.

Time is our most valuable resource...choose wisely.


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