Fast forward to January 2015 and I was still struggling with the same poor food habits and extra weight. I shared the book with my sister and we decided to tackle the Whole 30 together. Starting January 1st for 30 days we'd commit 100% to the Whole 30 rules.
What are the rules you ask? Brace yourself, they might seem harsh at first:
Yes, you read that sugar, no alcohol, no dairy, no legumes, no grains, no cheating! If you slip on the rules, you have to start the 30 days all over again!
By eliminating these food categories and slowly reintroducing them after the 30 days you determine which foods have a negative effect on your body. I discovered that I'm sensitive to dairy. I can tolerate gluten, but I have no breaks when it comes to crackers and chips, so its better for me to stay away from these foods. I also came to the realization that I love wine, but wine doesn't love me.
Now that you know what you can't eat on the Whole 30...what can you eat? Whole foods, such as lean proteins (meat and chicken), seafood, eggs, vegetables, fruit and natural fats. These foods promote healthy immune function, a healthy gut, minimize inflammation and healthy psychological and hormonal response.
In other words, after the carb and sugar hangover lifted, we were feeling fantastic! I not only lost weight, but I was sleeping better, my skin was clear, I was able to focus and didn't feel so overwhelmed in stressful situations, I was happier and didn't have that dragging myself through the day feeling. I lost 14 pounds during the Whole 30. This was the spring board to a total 30 pound weight loss aver the next few months.
Unfortunatly, I did what most people do when they experience weight loss. I went back to my old habits and didn't remain consistent with what worked for me. I didn't want to feel deprived so I ignored the things I learned the first time around and found myself right back where I started.
I recommitted to my health and fitness in August 2016 and have made big strides in my progress. I workout daily and drink a nutrient dense meal replacement shake that actually curbs cravings for carbs and sugar. I still find myself indulging in foods that don't work for me during times of stress, so I decided to complete a second round of Whole 30.
This time around, I've changed my mindset. Instead of feeling deprived because the things on the rules list are off limits, I'm thankful to feel so good when I don't indulge in these foods. A few benefits that come to mind...I get to sleep well every night instead of waking up at 2:00 each morning and fighting to go back to sleep for hours. I get to have more energy and radiant skin. I get to have less brain fog. I get to drop these extra pounds that make my clothes fit tight. I get to be happier in my own skin. How can I feel deprived with all those positive things happening?
The Whole 30 is intended to be a reset for your body. If you're experiencing any of these things, the Whole 30 could be right for you:
👉 An unhealthy relationship with food
👉 A sluggish metabolism
👉 A disrupted digestive system
👉 An overactive immune system.
I haven't decided exactly what life will look like after this round of the Whole 30, but I will be sticking closer to the rules than I did the first time around! This time, I'm making a lifestyle change! My health it to important for it to be any other way!
I'm planning on hosting a Whole 30 Support Group in the near future. Are you ready to see if this could work for you? You won't know unless you try. If you're interested, comment below or send me an email to
I am Whole 30!
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